Tuesday, September 27, 2016

9/27/16 Haaga

Hey, All!

This week has been pretty great
​ in my new area​
! Sister Nelson and I have been getting to know each other, and I've been doing my best to keep up with her. She's quite the hard worker. This zone is also very obedient. Like, exactly obedient
​I'm grateful for it, but ​
s a bit of an adjustment, because it can be hard to start and end 
 exactly on time
e have to sit next to each othe
r on the train/bus,
​ instead of mingling with the people, so​
 it's been an adventure. 

Haaga is beautiful. It's a little more city-like than Lahti was, but it's still quite beautiful. When we look out our window, it's like we're living in the sacred grove, we live on the main level so it feels like we aren't even living in an apartment. 
he colors are changing, so it's very beautiful!
We have a baptism that was already set when I got here for October the 8th. We're super excited for Anthony, he's so faithful and ready. We've also been teaching some other really awesome people, and 
​have even ​
had some referrals! 
​It's s​
o great! A lot more people speak 
nglish down here because we have a lot of foreigners here for schooling, so we get to teach both in 
nglish and 
​ ​
Sorry I can't really give a ton of details because of the laws here in Finland we can only do so if we have direct permission from the person themselves. But I've got it all written down in my journal at least. :)
Sunday night I started coming down with a little cold. I'm getting better now, but it's been a little tiring, 
​because ​
I can't sleep it off 
​all day​
, I just have to take my vitamins and keep doing missionary work. I 
​do ​
have about a half hour to 
 during meal times, so that helps a little bit.

We get to email in the family history center here at our church building. We have the stake center here, so it's nice. 

We're excited for 
onference here! Our schedule is very different if we want to watch it live. Since we're 9 hours ahead, we have to wait until evening to watch the 
aturday morning session, then 
unday afternoon we watch the 
aturday evening, and then 
unday evening we watch 
unday morning. After that, we just have to wait for the 
iahona magazines to come out before we can read the 
unday afternoon session, 
 we don't have any other time to come here and just watch the last session unfortunately. But either way, we're still pretty excited.

Anyway, until next week.
Love you all!!!

-Sisar Capps
Myöhempien Aikojen Pyhien Jeesuksen Kristuksen Kirkko

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