The MTC has been so wonderful! I absolutely love it here! This last Tuesday (Tiistai) (5/24) we had to fly to LA to meet with the Finnish consulate. It's only an hour and a half flight, but it was such a long day. We had to wake up at 2:30 AM in order to meet at the MTC travel office and leave for the airport by 4. Our flight was at 6, but I wasn't able to sleep at all on the plane. Some of us were able to talk to our neighboring passengers about the gospel. It was so cool. Before I came here, the missionaries were always like celebrities to me, but it's so different actually being the missionaries this time. So many people (mostly at the Salt Lake airport) would stop us and say hi and ask where we were going. This was our first time out in public as full time missionaries.
When we got back to the MTC from LA, it was literally both a physical and spiritual breath of fresh air!
My companion, Sister Barrus, is from California but she went to BYU for a little bit studying Stage Management, so she knows the area. My district is amazing, and we all get along so well. We are literally so blessed. I can't remember if I mentioned it, but we only have one Vanhin (elder) in our district because no one else was called to Finland. We love him for being such a trooper.
The language is tough, but it's coming along pretty well, considering we've only been at it for a week. We can already pray, testify, kinda teach, share scriptures, extend invites, and kinda hold normal conversations. Our teachers don't speak any English to us, only Finnish, but we've learned to understand them fairly well. They also help with charades and using words that we know. I took a picture of all the books that I have for studying Finnish. I'll send it in a separate email and a bunch of other pictures.
My companion and I like to do stairs for our exercise time (we have exercise time every day), and while we were stretching, Lori Lutz comes down the stairs and she's like, "Wait, Sister Capps?!" and then she points to her name tag and I realized who she was and gave her a hug and everything. We see each other on occasion now and exchange a hello. :) We were also in the main building and I saw an older couple with the last name of Eames. I asked them if they had any family in Idaho, and it turns out they know Grandma Edna Lou! It's such a small world here in the MTC, we meet lots of older couples that have either been to, served in, or have family that served in Finland.
The food is good here most of the time, but I'm almost positive we're all gaining weight. But I'm trying my best to eat healthy.
This last Sunday (suununtai) we went to a devotional on the Character of Christ by David A. Bednar (it was just a recording from a couple months ago). Look it up and watch it if you can, it is literally life changing. Suununten (sundays) are the most spiritual days here, but they're also surprisingly busy.
Also, if you want to write me, Dear Elder is the best way to go. I think there's an option for you to have them printed. If so, they show up in my mailbox, and I can read them any time of the week. Also thank you Colby and Melissa for sending me your journal entries for each day of your MTC experience. It's really cool to be able to relate and compare. :)
We also got to go the the temple today. It was a really neat experience as a district. I love the temple so much.
Anyway, we have to go eat, and then we have class, so I'll need to get going now.
Love you all!
Minä tieden että Jumala on meitä isä. Ja että Jeesuksen Kristuksen on poikka Jumalasta. Olen kiitolinen minun taivallinen isä ja sovitusta. Minä tieden että Josefin Smithin on profeetta Jumalansta, myös Thomasin S. Monsonin on profeetta jumala.
Minä rakkasta te!
-Sisar Capps
Myöhempien Aikojen Pyhien Jeesuksen Kristuksen Kirkko
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