Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Viime vikko MTC:ssa (Last week in the MTC!)
July 14, 2016

This week has been so weird. It's passed by so quickly, but at the same time, it's been dragging on. We're at the end of our training, but we have what they call "In Field Orientation" tomorrow instead of teaching, so that's a whole bunch of fun... We've already had to say goodbye to one of our teachers because they had to take some time off for a vacation.

​We've been able to start packing. Every day after class, we're super excited to go home and start packing.  
I got to see Elder Colson (from our home ward)! I only saw him once, but he seems to be doing well.
We got our flight plans the other day. I'm super excited. We're going to Texas Ft. Worth, then over to London Heathrow airport, then we end up in Finland! We figured about 17 hours of travel. Never been on a flight longer than an hour and a half, so this should be lots of fun. 
I'm a little tight on time, cuz this is our last P-day, so unfortunately I don't have a ton of time to write, but I love you all, and I'm super excited to finally get to go to Finland. I'll take lots of pictures for you when I get there.

-Sisar Capps
Myöhempien Aikojen Pyhien Jeesuksen Kristuksen Kirkko

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